
imdlib.core.open_data(var_type, start_yr, end_yr=None, fn_format=None, file_dir=None)

Function to read binary data and return an IMD class object time range is tuple or list or numpy array of 2 int number



Three possible values. 1. “rain” -> input files are for daily rainfall values 2. “tmin” -> input files are for daily minimum temperature values 3. “tmax” -> input files are for daily maximum tempereature values


Starting year for opening data


Ending year for opening data

fn_formatstr or None

fn_format represent filename format. Default vales is None. Which means filesnames are accoding to the IMD conventionm and they are not changed after downloading from IMD server. If we specify fn_format = ‘yearwise’, filenames are renamed like <year.grd> (e.g. 2018.grd)

file_dirstr or None

Directory cache the files for future processing. If None, the currently working directory is used. If specify the directory address, Main directory should contain 3 subdirectory. <rain>, <tmin>, <tmax>


IMD object