Available Climate-Indices



Rainy days (dr)

Total number of days in a year with rainfall over a threshold (default: 2.5 mm)

Consecutive wet days (cwd)

The maximum length of wet spell (maximum consecutive days in a year with precipitation ≥ a threshold (default: 2.5 mm))

Heavy precipitation days (d64)

The number of days in a year with precipitation ≥ a threshold (default: 64 mm)

Total precipitation in wet days (rtwd)

The sum of precipitation in all the rainy days of a year

Maximum daily rainfall (rxa)

The maximum daily rainfall in a year

Maximum 5-days rainfall (rx5d)

The highest magnitude of rainfall accumulations for consecutive 5 days in a year

Simple daily intensity index (sdii)

It represents the average intensity of a rainy day over a year (computed as the ratio of rtwd and dr)

Precipitation concentration index (pci)

An indicator for temporal precipitation distribution (represents how uniformly annual precipitation is istributed in the months)

Coolest night (mnadt)

Minimum value of temperature over a year (the least daily TMIN value of a year)

Hottest day (mxadt)

Maximum value of temperature over a year (the highest daily TMAX value of a year)

Diurnal Temperature Range (dtr)

The difference between the maximum and minimum temperature of a year (i.e., the difference between mxadt and mnadt)

Modified Mann-Kendall test statistic (mmk_hr)

The trend detecting statistic of the non-parametric MMK test advocated by Hamed and Rao (1998)

Spearman’s Rho statistics (spr)

The trend detecting statistic of the non-parametric Spearman’s Rho test

Sen’s slope estimate (sse)

The trend detecting statistic (i.e., slope) of Sen’s slope

Magnitude of trend (sstr)

The ratio of product of Sen’s slope (sse) with number of data points to the mean value (expressed in terms of percentage)